Fair Play

MFL Code of Fair Play

MFL is built on the pillars of competition, strategy, and community. To protect the integrity of the game and ensure fair competition, this Code of Fair Play outlines the standards all managers, agents, and participants must follow. By participating in MFL, you agree to uphold these principles, fostering a healthy, competitive ecosystem.

Fair Play Guidelines

Core Principle: Play to Win, Fair and Square

Every participant is expected to compete to the best of their ability without intentional manipulation of outcomes.

Prohibited actions include:

  • Fielding players out of position with the intent of underperforming or losing on purpose.

  • Coordinating match results with other managers with the intention of manipulating competition standings.

  • Agreeing to transfer assets, monetary or otherwise, in exchange for favorable match results.

  • Pressuring or threatening other managers to influence their match decisions.

  • Deliberately exploiting known bugs or game glitches to gain an unfair advantage.

Such actions undermine the competitive spirit of MFL and will not be tolerated.

Penalties for Violations

Violations of this Code will result in proportional penalties, which may include:

  • Warnings: For unclear or borderline cases.

  • Point Deductions: Applied to league standings, affecting promotion/relegation outcomes.

  • Forfeiture of $MFL Earnings: Rewards for the season may be revoked.

  • Relegation: Automatic demotion to a lower division for the next season.

Lodging a Complaint

If you suspect a breach of the Code of Fair Play:

  1. Submit a Complaint:

    • Contact the MFL team via the Help chat on https://app.playmfl.com

    • Include detailed evidence (e.g., match results, screenshots, or specific actions).

    • Complaints must be filed within 48 hours of the suspected incident.

  2. What Happens Next:

    • The MFL team will review the complaint, analyze evidence, and may contact involved parties for clarification.

    • Investigations will remain confidential, and decisions will be communicated transparently. Complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven days.

Decision-Making Process

To determine if fair play has been violated, the MFL team will:

  • Analyze match data.

  • Assess whether the actions deviate significantly from normal gameplay behavior.

  • Consult independent reviewers, such as community Captains and other respected members of the MFL community, if necessary for impartiality.

Commitment to Fair Play

MFL thrives on its passionate community and competitive spirit. Match-fixing or collusion erodes trust and damages the game. By participating in MFL, you commit to:

  • Upholding the principles of fair play.

  • Competing with integrity and respect for others.

  • Accepting and respecting the decisions of the MFL team.

Last updated